Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Wah piang eh. Today went to see doctor again. This time I went the hougang polyclinic. Yes, you have to queue up. But if you are an emergency case you can get treated first then queue up later. Just like me. I had an asthma attack today. Ventolin and hot water and cough syrup wasn't doing any good. So they gave me six steroids to swallow, and put me on the nebuliser. The steroids leave a horrible residue in my throat. At least the nebuliser vapours smell good. So after seeing the doctor, I had lunch at a coffeeshop nearby. Ate fish noodles. It was good. As for polyclinic fees, it's dirt cheap compared to a private GP or specialist. But the problem with polyclinic is that you have to queue like mad and if you stay there for too long you'll probably catch something else other than your own disease. I could sense an aura of sickness in that place, I tell you!


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