Sunday, March 21, 2004

Ah. Damn it,I'm feeling wheezy since yesteday. Must be that bloody made in china apple soft drink I drank at Amoy Street hawker center. I used my inhaler hundreds of times already but to no avail. Drinking hot drinks and water makes me feel a bit better though. I had a cup of tea in church and another at Macdonalds. I was hanging around with some of the church people. Ah, and I finally procured my copy of Orson Scott Card's wonderful masterpiece, 'Ender's Game'. It's the first book in the Ender anthology. But the best thing is I bought it at FIFTY CENTS, not to mention that it's almost brand new. Great. If I were to buy it from Kino, it'll cost $20? Anyway, so far I've finished reading James Patterson's The Jester. I've just starting reading Michael Crichton's The Andromeda Strain. Yeah it's an old book, but i've wanting to read it for a long time. When I get my paycheck, I'll go buy Timeline. I bought my guitar tuner today at Thomson Plazza. I went to PS on Friday but they didnt sell the $20 only, only the $30 one. And guess how much I paid today? $40!!! Shit! Ah well, there's a price for good stuff. *Cough Cough. Time to take more hot water. Oh yes, I got posted to Nanyang Polytechnic to do Molecular Biotechnology. Sounds grand, ain't it? So, if you are coming to Nanyang Poly (or AJC which is just opposite), see you around. Cheers.


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