Monday, January 10, 2005

Let's see... it was quite a slack week. Very little homework, though it's starting to pile up right now. What else is there...not much really. Over a period of time, I have made an interesting observation. With the profileration of 'blogs' or online diaries, people tend to make their innermost thoughts open for everyone to see. Ok, it may not be too much of a bad thing. But what if your parents read it? What if your bosses read it? What if your enemies read it? It's really amazing that we just blog everything out. The name of that F***head who pissed me off today. The actions of someone senior to me that offended me very much. The girl who's such a bitch and so on.... And most of us don't put passwords! We hardly think twice about what we are going to say in public. Can we safely assume that certain people will not read our writings? So, we think that only the people we give our blog address to can read it? Wrong! Internet search technology is so advanced, I can search for your blog address even if you refuse to tell me. Unless you passworded it, but chances are you didn't. Writing things that we don't want people to know under a false sense of security, being; "Only people who I gave the address to know about it.", can be explained in a simple analogy. It's like taking a shower with the plastic screen drawn, but your bathroom door open! Any idiot can just walk in, draw open the plastic screen and say, "Hi, nice body." Your plastic screen represents your false sense of security. Your open bathroom door means that there is no safety at all!! Your political enemies are reading your mind and planning their next move. Someone is planning a defamation law suit. Someone is preparing his poison pen letters. AGAINST YOU. So what are we going to do about it? We can choose to censor what we say, or if you find that too restrictive, you can always make your blog private with password locks and all. I really find it amazing. A blogs something that happened in their group. B is from that group. A never expected B to read the blog. And now B is really pissed off by what A has written. A refuses to take back what he said. A and B get into a really big arguement and soon everything becomes so screwed! I've seen it before. Very ridiculous I would say. No offence to those who know what I mean. So to end my letter, let me impart the Life Alchemist's advice: "The Art of War states that you must know your enemy to defeat him. Hence, do not let your enemy know about you." Of course you must know youself well.


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