Thursday, October 20, 2005

Your top 5 Quirks.

Well, well, what do we have here.. Gasp, it’s a meme!!

Your Top 5 Quirks.


What can be better than the Mass? I don’t know. I cannot express the joy of going to the Lord’s table with words. Nobody can, or will understand the joy unless he/she goes.

If you seek this happiness that I have found, tell me and I’ll take you along. It is a peace that the world cannot give.


Reading is a form of mental exercise, and helps me keep my interpretation skills in good order. I learn more from reading books than from watching television. I’m currently reading Alexandre Dumas’ The Count of Monte Cristo. Excellent read. I stayed up till 3 last night reading it. I bought this book at the Poly Forum flea market. I’ll go into that later.


I figured that I suck badly at drawing and music, so I’ve decided to use writing as a form of expression. Writing also serves to exercise my mind, and to keep it from rotting too quickly.

They say the pen is mightier than the sword (Though personally I think war has solved more problems than negotiating).


I’d say I’ve learnt a lot from this art form (not as much as books though). I picked up my love for J-rock from watching anime too.

Food and drink

Life is short, so enjoy the food while you still can. I’ve taking a liking to black coffee these days though Irish coffee is welcome too. Don’t drink the Irish Cream Ice Cream blend at Swenson’s. It tastes like crap.

The 5 people who are supposed to pass on this meme: (No order of merit.)






Thursday, October 06, 2005

Emoticons and Dead Mice: Part Three

Disclaimer: If you think the author’s posts are seditionist, you are kindly invited to leave, NOW. By entering this site, you will renounce your right to sue, defame, hack, firebomb, assassinate, disfigure, lay arms on, the author. In addition, you will not make any police reports, contact the Internal Security Department, or dispatch splinter cells to his house

If you refuse to take this shit, please leave this site and go here.

I cannot stress this further: I have nothing against Engineers. They are a nice bunch (mostly). Yes, even those who can’t speak English for nuts. Here at warinthepocket, we do not discriminate. I think.

Dear readers, with great pleasure:

The final:

Emoticons and Dead Mice: Part Three

In the posts I have covered the term ‘diao’. Now, I will go into detail on the term ‘testis’.

Here’s a sample. (This was posted last time, in case you haven’t seen it.)

Basically, ‘testis’ in the ah lian dictionary is shorthand for the word ‘testimonials’. Those of you who are Friendster users will be familiar with the testimonial system.

Now let me refer to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for the definition of the word ‘testimonial’.

Main Entry: 2testimonial Function: noun 1 : Evidence; Testimony 2 a : a statement testifying to benefits received b : a character reference : letter of recommendation 3 : an expression of appreciation : Tribute

Ok, that I guess we know why there is a testimonial system in Friendster. Anyone can guess, that is, to promote good will and trust.

As mentioned, many people have taken to shortening this word from ‘testimonials’ to ‘testis’, or from ‘testimonial’ to ‘testi’. So we now have plural and single nouns.

Here comes the good part.

Let us refer to the same dictionary on the definition of ‘testis’

Main Entry: tes·tis Pronunciation: 'tes-t&s Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural tes·tes /'tes-"tEz/ Etymology: Latin, witness, testis : a typically paired male reproductive gl

and that produces sperm and that in most mammals is contained within the scrotum at sexual maturity

Gasp!! ‘testis’ actually refers to testicles aka balls?! I’m shocked!! This means that we have a totally new way of looking at things.

Ah Lian: Please write for me a testi


1) Please write for me a testimonial

2) Please write for me a BALL?!

Of all the crude wordplay jokes I’ve heard, this one is one of the best!!!! Please write for me a gonad? This is so funny! Don’t tell me that nobody who uses these phrases have ever thought of this?

Oh, I’m getting a side stitch writing this.. Looks like I’m having a ball of a time! (Pun intended.)

Here comes the best part. I will now show you the whole grand scheme of things.

It seems like everything on Earth has a purpose. This is so very ironic. I mean, ‘diao’ with ‘testis’, if you translate it to what I have interpreted it to be, you’ll know what it means..

Ok, one last point. These MSN users have managed to become ‘one with the force’, by using the ultimate dogma of DIAOness summarised in one picture.

Well, they say a picture speaks a thousand words!

Finally, the pieces of the puzzle all fit together! We now draw to the end of the Emoticons and Dead Mice trilogy. I hope that you have enjoyed yourself. Thank you for reading!

Monday, October 03, 2005

The light before we land

In cases such as these I'd like a hand
Don't wake me up without a master plan
With black & white instead of colour
Don't you understand?
When things that once were beautiful
Are bland

And when I feel like I can feel once again
Let me stay awhile
Soak it in awhile
If we can hold on we can fix what is wrong
Buy a little time
For this head of me
Haven for us

In truth there is no better place to be
Than falling out of darkness still to see

Without a premonition
Could you tell me where we stand?
I'd hate to lose this light
Before we land

And when I feel like I can feel once again
Let me stay awhile
Soak it in awhile
If we can hold on we can fix what is wrong
Buy a little time
For this head of mine
Haven for us

Before we let euphoria
Convince us we are free
Remind us how we used to feel
Before when life was real

And when I feel like I can feel once again
Let me stay awhile
Soak it in awhile
If we can hold on we can fix what is wrong
Buy a little time
For this head of mine
Haven for us

the delgados - the light before we land