Sunday, August 13, 2006

Actually, i went to BooksActually..

Yeah. Last, Saturday I woke up early to finish my praesidium's annual report, then went down to Maris Stella for meeting. The new aspirant Christian was very kind.. he bought flowers for the altar even though he couldn't make it for meeting. There were a bunch of yellow chrysanthemum flowers wrapped in the typical market paper stuck at the door. Very promising fellow. I had lunch with Nicholas at Cedar Market, as we always do. But I was late for the gathering at Tanjong Pagar station. I was supposed to meet up with the Dead Poets Society people. I also met Jiamin for the first time. She was late also. Yeah, BooksActually seems like a nice place. Very nice place to take arty fartsy girls to. =) But anyway, the DPS people were quite all right though I had to deal with DeadPoet's cheeky grins now and then. Most of them were new faces. They seem to be all right. I shall get to know them better. I attended evening Mass at SFX. Father Gerard, as usual, gave an excellent homily. I'm quite impressed with that parish. Their servers kneel before the Tabernacle for prayers before serving Mass. How edifying! That's the way altar servers ought to be! Went for Curia on Sunday. Managed to present our report. It was comparatively better than other groups. Attendance was horrible. Ah well, it's exam season. It was really a stressful week. Stupid project took so long to finish. It had so many stalls along the way I thought that it could never get done. Fortunately I managed to finish the last of the experiments and now I have to hand in my report on Sunday. Argh, during this attachment, I've never taken my work home until now. Hopefully it shouldn't be much of a problem. Went for the SWS Percussion Ensemble concert with Joshua and the Band people. It was in the evening. Argh!!! The girl that was supposed to come along was ill!!! I hope she gets well soon. I liked the show, but Joshua was quite bored. I followed a few of them to supper afterwards. Joshua went back first. We went to ThaiExpress at City Hall. I came back at around 12 something at night.


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